Klangboot Radio #019 from Moscow vol. 2

From Moscow with love… volume 2.

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Track (Album) / Artist / Label / Year

1. Blossom (???????) / Heskin Radiophonic / http://fwonk.com / 2009
2. Membrance (Tunguska Chillout Grooves vol. 5) / K.D. Expression / http://tunguskagrooves.com / 2010
3. I want to tell you (illusion of love) / xalm retribution / http://x-rtb.net / 2010
4. Brain ReMix (Unheard Tweets) / Cherly KaCherly Vs. Supertalented / http://birdsong.co.il / 2010
5. Entropie 0 (Uchuu) / Alister Flint / http://silent.com.md/label / 2010
6. Oceanblue (Colours from Thought II ) / Azotic Compounds Laboratory / http://www.fature.net / 2010
7. Professional Bird Chasers (fern) / Modul / http://www.phonocake.org / 2010
8. Border of skin (first i love) / leedvd / http://birdsong.co.il / 2010
9. The Neon Evangelist (The Singularity) / Dreamlogicc aka Justin Hemmingson / http://www.tonAtom.net / 2010
10. Missing Part (fern) / Phil Gerus / http://www.phonocake.org / 2010
11. Dead Mammoth (Valinsjev) / Don’t Do Drugs / http://fwonk.com / 2010
12. Sunloop (You Have Reached Your Destination) / Inkraktare / http://fwonk.com / 2010

Labels and artists: klangboot, readymedia, Heskin Radiophonic, K.D. Expression, xalm retribution, Cherly KaCherly, Supertalented, Alister Flint, Azotic Compounds Laboratory, Modul, leedvd, Dreamlogicc, Justin Hemmingson, Phil Gerus, Don’t Do Drugs, Inkraktare, fwonk, tunguskagrooves, x-rtb, silent flow, fature, birdsong, tonAtom, phonocake, fwonk

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