Klangboot Radio #021 ~ podcast ~ Jahresende ~

Ciao, 2010! ~ 2011, ahoj!


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Track (Album) / Artist / Label / Year

1. Nonexistent time (eternal sadness) / YARA* / http://dedpop.co.uk / 2010

2. Old Sky (VA – Goodfellas) / YARA* / http://www.mixgalaxyrecords.com / 2010

3. Winter Reprise (VA – Goodfellas) / Waterplea / http://www.mixgalaxyrecords.com / 2010

4. Puppy (VA – Goodfellas) / Nuts Gives Power / http://www.mixgalaxyrecords.com / 2010

5. Are you translucent? – Silencide RMX (DedRMX) / Kesta / http://dedpop.co.uk / 2009

6. The Javo Super – Nocow RMX (DedRMX) / Rykard / http://dedpop.co.uk / 2009

7. Copernico (Autour de la Lune) / Massimo Ruberti / http://elpamusic.lv / 2010

8. Inside (45 seconds of silence) / BurbonMonsters / http://ambitonica.com / 2009

9. Ya no un Yo sino un Nosotros (Phantastico Dogma Remixes) / In Vitro / http://breathe-comp.com / 2010

10. High plains (Therapy) / Khate / http://justnotnormal.wordpress.com / 2010

11. Rain (logical types of cracks) / sun-inside / http://picpack.org.ua / 2010

12. Raroia (Tidal Wave) / Urenga / http://load-and-clear-netlabel.blogspot.com / 2008

13. Desert (Road_to_plain) / Rion / http://ambitonica.com / 2008

Artists: YARA*, Waterplea, Nuts Gives Power, Kesta, Rykard, Massimo Ruberti, BurbonMonsters, In Vitro, Khate,� sun-inside, Urenga, Rion

Labels: dedpop, mixgalaxyrecords, elpamusic, ambitonica, breathe, justnotnormal, picpack, load-and-clear-netlabel

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